Hello everyone and welcome to Week 5 of ART F262X.

Please do the following before SUNDAY, August 6 (11:59PM)

1. Go through the material in the American Art and the Realism and Impressionism wings.

2. Respond to the following forums on Slack:

Slack Channel #week5part1

  • Choose a work from the American art wing and discuss how it reflects a new and rapidly changing country.  Possible topics include military history, manifest destiny, and new experiments in democracy.

Slack channel #week5part2

  • The Painting of Modern Life: In the mid-19th century urban life was rapidly transforming and new spaces were opening such as parks, racetracks, grand boulevards, and an explosion of new venues for popular entertainment. New technologies such as photography and groundbreaking medical discoveries such as x-rays were also being developed. Choose a work of art from this wing and discuss how it reflects this new modern world?

3. Turn in your first Grant Proposal via Canvas. Instructions for this assignment can be found here.

Call For Proposals

The Doctor Jones Institute of Lost Treasure is asking for proposals to include a new work of art in the museum. The Institute has noticed that there is room in the following wings: Mannerism, Baroque, Dutch Golden Age, Rococo, Neoclassicism/Romanticism, American Art, Realism and Impressionism, European and American Avant-Garde Art, and Art Between the Wars. What work (that is not already discussed as part of the class) do you think deserves to be included in the museum halls? Tell us why you think it is so important. How does it fit in with the other works in the wing? How does it expand our understanding of the art we have seen these first two weeks.